The introduction of lawn cultivation technology

The lawn, the plant that can be seen everywhere, has an irreplaceable role in the city's landscaping and ecological environment. Because of its characteristics of dust prevention, sand prevention, air purification, and prevention of water and soil erosion, the lawn has been used in various human life, work, and entertainment environments. Because of this, the lawn has formed a special industry. The turf industry started late in China, and it really began to be widely used and researched. In the early 1990s, with advanced foreign mature turf technology and maintenance technology entering the country, the lawn should start from a single landscape. Greening begins in parks, communities, stadiums and other fields. Although the lawn has a strong vitality, improper planting methods will also cause no harm to the lawn. The turf cultivation techniques will be introduced below.


First, the choice of grass species

Choosing the correct grass species is the key to successful planting in the later period. The selection of grass species should be based on the climate of the region where the lawn is planted. For example, in the cold climate in the north, cold season grass species such as ryegrass, tall fescue, bluegrass, bentgrass, etc. can be selected; while in the warm south, warm season grass species such as bermudagrass, horseshoe golden, can be selected. Zoysia grass and so on. There is also a zone in the transition between cold and warm areas, where cold and warm season lawns can be planted. Of course, the above is only a basic requirement, and it does not mean that grass species must be selected according to the climate temperature. Now with the development of breeding technology, warm season grasses that can be planted in cold regions have been cultivated. Therefore, it can be based on the user's special needs.


Cold season grass seeds


Warm season grass seeds

Second, before the preparation of the lawn bed construction

1, clean up the venue

The clean-up of the site is mainly for the removal of debris that affects the growth of the turf, such as gravel, branches, and garbage. Remove debris above 30 cm from the surface of the soil to ensure that the bed is loose, smooth, and breathable. If there are residual underground roots of other plants, they should also be removed. If it is rotted, it will form a depression on the ground.

2, remove weeds

To build a lawn, the removal of weeds is inseparable. The problem of weeds must be solved first. The main control measures are mechanical weeding, herbicide weeding and soil fumigation.

Mechanical weeding: It mainly refers to manual weeding, manual removal, weed removal and other physical weeding methods, and is also the most traditional weeding method. The biggest drawback of this method is that it is labor-intensive, especially in a large area, and the labor cost is very high.

Herbicide Herbicides: Herbicides commonly used are selective herbicides and non-selective herbicides. Weeding efficiency is high and labor costs are lower than mechanical weeding. The disadvantages are also obvious. Improper use can cause damage to other plants and affect the turf environment.

Soil fumigation: The most effective way to reduce weeds is to kill harmful pests in the soil. Common fumigants include cotton wool, chloropicrin, and methyl bromide. Because the fumigant is toxic, it requires extra attention for safety when it is used. It requires strict training for the personnel to use.

3, soil pH adjustment

Suitable lawn pH is generally around 6 to 7. If the pH value fluctuates, it must be adjusted in time. This depends on the turfgrass planted. To reduce the pH, lead sulfate is added. If the pH is increased, calcium phosphate or lime is added.

4, fertilization

Add appropriate amount of organic fertilizer to the soil to increase the nutrients in the soil and ensure the normal growth of the lawn. General organic fertilizers are peat, manure, and compost. It can be selected according to the conditions of the lawn planting site.

5, leveling tillage

If the turfgrass has a large area for planting, it is recommended to use a large machine to operate the turf. Small areas can be manually operated using traditional farming tools. The stadium should be raised in the middle to facilitate drainage around it.

6, drainage and irrigation system construction

Drainage and irrigation systems are often overlooked for reasons of cost. For a lawn, irrigation and drainage systems are an integral part of the construction project. In particular, lawns, such as golf courses and football fields, play an important role in irrigation and drainage systems.

Third, sowing or transplanting

1, sowing time

The end of summer and early fall is suitable for sowing the cold-season grasses. The soil temperature at this time is relatively high, which is suitable for the germination of seeds and avoids the harmful effects of summer weeds. At the same time, for the newly-grown turfgrass seedlings, the cold weather in winter is coming. Have enough time to grow before.

Warm-season grasses grow mainly in summer, so late spring and early summer are the most suitable sowing dates for warm-season grasses.

2, the amount of seeding

The amount of sowing depends on the variety, environmental conditions and use. According to the seeding amount of grass seeds listed in the table below as a reference, it can be increased or decreased as appropriate.

season Premature
Tall fescue
Zoysia grass
Dog tooth root
White clover
15-20 g/m2
35-40 g/m2
10-15 g/m2
8-12 g/m2
8-12 g/m2

35-40 g/m2
10-15 g/m2
8-12 g/m2
8-10 g/m2
10-15 g/m2
30-35 g/m2
10-15 g/m2
8-12 g/m2
8-10 g/m2
Mixing and sowing can adapt to the relatively large environmental conditions and can prolong the life of the lawn. The disadvantage is that the disparity of the grass species will make the color of the lawn inconsistent. Therefore, the mixed seeding of grass seeds requires certain principles and standards. There are mainly the following ways of mixing broadcasts. 3, mixed broadcast

1 two types of the same type of mixture: two kinds of grass species, one for the main grass species, the other for the protection of grass species, as the protection of grass species should be rapid germination grass species, the role is mainly in the slow growth and soft grass species Shading, and inhibit the growth of weeds. Can quickly see the effect of lawn planting. For example, when sowing fescue, mix in a small amount of ryegrass.

2 Mixing of the same species and different varieties: Mixing between different varieties of the same grass species can ensure consistency in appearance, but there will be differences in adaptability and disease resistance among the varieties. Therefore, mixed broadcasting can improve the overall quality of the lawn, and the disease resistance, adaptability, and stress resistance will be enhanced. Many turf companies today are experimenting with hybrids that can mix the advantages of various grass species. It is also possible that super grass species will emerge in the future.

3 Alienation or Alternate Repeated Broadcasting: This mixed sowing method is mainly used in special conditions, such as the use of warm and cold mixed type or warm season grass after winter dry yellow to replant cold season grass, so that the lawn can be maintained throughout the year evergreen. The common use is in the roots of Bermudagrass and ryegrass and rough matured pods.

4 Multi-species mixed-sowing: At present, less mixed-breeding methods are used, and they are only used in some special-purpose grasses, such as mixing in low-end grass seeds to reduce costs, and mixing in legumes to increase the holding capacity.

4, sowing

It is recommended to adopt seeder sowing to ensure that the seed is evenly spread on the surface of the bed, and then cover the soil with a cover soil (thickness of the soil layer is less than 0.5cm), and then use a roller to flatten or roughen the spot, and use a roller compactor to compact directly without covering the soil. . However, it must be ensured that the seed and the soil are in full contact. The most bogey is after sowing covered with a thick layer of soil or sand. In order to ensure the success rate of sowing and obtain robust seedlings, a small amount of seed fertilizer may be added at the time of sowing.

5, transplanting

In addition to direct sowing of grass seeds, it can also be established by transplanting. That is, the farm first propagates seeds or vegetatively grows into turf with suitable height and density. The lawn is cut into turf blocks or turf rolls and transplanted to the laying site to make it a new lawn. Common methods of laying there.


The dense paving method: The turf is laid at intervals of 1-2 cm. This method is suitable for cold-season grasses with poor ability to deliver.

Inter-paving method: The turf is cut into small pieces and the spacing between the turf is appropriately increased. The turf area laid accounts for about one-third of the total area. Suitable for this kind of laying method is the warm-season grass seed with strong ability of tillering. The greatest advantage of adopting this transplanting method is that the time required for landing is short.

6, watering

After sowing, it should be watered in time to keep the soil moist, but we must also be alert to the mildew caused by excessive watering. After that, it is quietly waiting for the normal growth of the lawn. Under normal circumstances about 15 days can emerge, basically 30 days after the ping. In the case of ryegrass, the time for landing will be shorter, so it is generally used as a need for replanting emergency.

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