The high-incidence period of air pollution requires frequent cleaning of the initial filter net Haisujing

Many people think that summer is the time when air pollution is the most harmful, but the situation in winter and summer is the same. Especially these two seasons are the peak period of air-conditioning use. It is easier to pay attention to the cleaning of the primary filter equipment. Aggravate pollution!

Everyone knows that the large amount of volatilization of indoor formaldehyde and other substances can easily lead to physical discomfort, such as dizziness, chest tightness, etc., and many decoration materials and craftsmanship make the new house become a "gas chamber." This is not an exaggeration. Later, more and more experts have pointed out that the pollution in the decoration has the greatest impact on the respiratory tract and the skin system. In severe cases, it may even induce malignant diseases such as leukemia.

These pollutants are usually hidden in the decoration materials such as flooring, paints and adhesives. Once these materials are hot or humid, harmful substances such as formaldehyde will gradually emanate, causing damage to our bodies. Coupled with the fact that we usually use air conditioners for a long time, the confined space is more likely to cause discomfort to the human body. Here we remind the broad readers that newly renovated houses must be tested for pollution before they are in the house. Once the pollution is discovered in the process, it is best to find a professional management company to carry out the overall pollution management operations. There is no insignificant mentality. Simply think that proper ventilation may use some plants to purify harmful substances. These substances may mask the smell of pollution to a certain extent, but they are not fundamentally managed.

At present, many people will test after the renovation. This is very necessary and correct. At the same time, it is necessary to remind everyone that the test data after all the household items are in place can reflect the indoor air quality, but if you are just It is still useless to know the results of the test without timely management. It's like we go to the hospital to see a doctor, although we know what disease we have, but the reason for not treating the disease is the same. Only the right medicine can completely cure the environmental symptoms.

According to the relevant survey data, all kinds of decoration pollution will gradually evaporate between 3 and 15 years after the renovation. The damage to everyone is a long-term process. These toxic gases accumulate in our bodies. It may take a long time to show up, so we must not be careless about this problem. Scientific testing is very important, but it is most important to find a professional organization to manage and purify after testing.

Many people believe that the ventilation can be understood after the renovation of the new house. In fact, this is very unscientific, because unqualified interior decoration materials and furniture will cause serious pollution to the indoor air. These pollutions have a long incubation period. Short-term ventilation can not be effectively eliminated. If the filter equipment is not used, these long-term harmful substances in the room will damage the health of the human body for a long time. In addition, in the case where the doors and windows are fully open to form air convection, some of the harmful gases in the room can be discharged to the outside with the flow of air, but it is impossible to achieve full compliance, especially in some bad weather. We can't always insist that the house is in a ventilated condition, so the necessary purification equipment is still indispensable on the bottom of the window ventilation.

In addition, ventilation filters and other equipment in air conditioners are important for stacking and releasing pollution. Therefore, we must clean and maintain them regularly. After using them for a long time, they should be disassembled, just rinse with water. Yes, this can also improve the use of equipment and life! So it is very important to clean the air conditioning filter in time, not only that, but also other issues that are easy to occur indoors, we also need to pay special attention.

In summary, we can find that the cleaning of the primary filter is really important, especially the filter in the air conditioning equipment is an important place to collect pollution. If it is not timely, it will be very harmful to our health.


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