Decorative correction method and system for forming and sealing device

Patent name: Decorative correction method and system for forming and sealing devices. Patent application number 6 Publication number: CN1516665
Application Date: 2002.06.13 Public Day: 2004.07.28
Applicant: Swiss Tetra Lazar Group and Finance Co., Ltd.

A decorative position correcting method for a forming and sealing device for producing a food packageable sealed package product with a packaging material cylinder fed along a feeding path, and the forming and sealing device has two pairs of clamping jaws Two pairs of jaws can be moved along the feed path and opened and closed so as to cyclically and alternately run along a forming and sealing portion and along a repositioning portion, and the pair of jaws operate along the forming and sealing portion. Being closed and operating integrally with the barrel, the pair of jaws are open and move relative to the barrel as the repositioning portion is operated. For correcting the decoration, a nominal trajectory (P) of the jaws is corrected along the repositioning portion based on the positional error of the barrel with respect to the rated position. The first solution corrects the movement of the jaws by selectively correcting the amplitude of the trajectory; whereas the second solution corrects the phase of the jaw trajectory.

Effective Calf Support: Providing targeted compression therapy, the Calf Brace supports the muscles while aiding in the recovery of strains and pulls. The adjustable compression wrap is constructed with a latex-free, nonslip neoprene for exceptional support throughout any activity. The calf support allows complete freedom of movement and is perfect for use in any activity, including soccer, baseball, basketball, cycling, and running.
Protect calf,keep warm and safe,avoid injuries and sprain
Relief of pain from calf Tendonitis/ Tendonopathy 
Helps to improve calf tracking and prevents tendon injury in sports
The elastic material can provide help for maintaining body temperature, accelerating blood circulation

Calf Brace

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Shijiazhuang AoFeiTe Medical Devices Co., Ltd. ,